Sunday, May 22, 2022

2023 Baseball and Softball Voting Results

 The following results are from voting this past spring.  The list indicates those umpires receiving votes which also qualify them for the number of rating points indicated.

15 points
144696 Harry Groner

15 points 164120 Chet Cooper

15 points 158259 Jeff Davis

15 points 143029 Thomas Karaban

12 points 150249 Michael O’Neil

12 points 183948 Rich Bardol

12 points 166978 Corey Sabo

9 points 146123 Martin Kanetsky

9 points 144691 Joseph Pompeo

9 points 207461 Louis Cardona

6 points 167446 Robert Zaku

6 points 162072 Gary Wiery

6 points 166076 Ray Parker

6 points 201915 Andrew Wilde

3 points 141881 Ronald Fuzer

3 points 183832 Curtis Koch

3 points 159679 Joseph Metzinger


15 points 103642 Anthony Montana

15 points 157790 Rich Randall 

15 points 125205 Patrick Montana

15 points 132600 Rob Luklan

12 points 172502 Linda Papagna

12 points 144683 Paul Bevilaqua

12 points 164489 Albert Toth

12 points 183948 Rich Bardol

9 points 107657 Gary Jennings

9 points 170450 Michael Williams

9 points 137288 Edward Costello

9 points 154141 Jay Donatelli 

6 points 130842 Robert Wiery

6 points 177046 Donald Barzak

6 points 207276 Nick Blanch

6 points 167445 Jeff Wellington

3 points 162072 Gary Wiery  

3 points 166970 Ray Melewski

3 points 200889 Sam Scott

3 points 141881 Ron Fuzer

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